
Broken Distance Update


Dear boys and girls,

I'm happy to say we're alive and well. After a crazy weekend of shows with Fired Up/True Colors we're back home and we're 100% focused on finishing the artwork for our upcomming release, the Hourglass 7"/MCD.

Also, those who were present at those shows might've noticed a change in our line-up. Diogo (ex-PF fame) helped us out and played bass for those two shows. It isn't something new for him cause he already played a handful of shows with Get Lost a couple of years ago. It was fun practicing with him and sharing the stage with him once more. So, I guess you're wondering if Daniel is still in the band or not. Well the thing is, that he's currently not playing with us due to his work that doesn't provide him with enough free time to dedicate himself 100% to the band, so he decided that he should step down until he can get more free time to be in the band. So to replace him Walter (Take The Risk Records fame) is learning all the songs and he'll be playing live with us for the next few months. He's quickly learning how to play the songs and he's gettin' better and better with every practice. We're all excited about this.

About shows, we've decided not to play anymore shows until the record is out. We have some shows lined up for December (Lisbon) and hopefully the record will be out by then. We'll keep you posted about this.

Just to finish this update, we have some new shirts, one of the designs was done by Mike Ghost (Men Eater/For The Glory/What Went Wrong fame) and the other by Diogo (PF fame). Check it out and send us an e-mail with an order, we sure can use the money for the new release.

Take care
David || Broken Distance


Para aqueles a quem o inglês não é tão familiar os Broken Distance explicam que estão agora a dedicar-se a tempo inteiro ao seu próximo trabalho que deve sair por volta de Dezembro! Até lá eles vão estar afastados dos palcos!

Entretanto nos últimos dois concertos eles contaram com a ajuda do Diogo ( ex-PF ) no baixo! Isto deve-se ao facto do Daniel não ter o tempo que gostaria para dedicar-se à banda por causa do seu trabalho! Por isto mesmo, será "substituido" pelo Walter que já está a ensaiar com a Banda!

Os BD lembram ainda que têm shirts novas, por isso toca a juntar uns trocos e a ajudar esta banda que bem merece!

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